Thursday, October 9, 2014

Watch Sunrise/Get Engaged

A few weeks ago Dakota and I traveled to Glaveston, Texas for a family vacation with his parents, sisters, and their families.  I had two things I wanted to do on this trip, watch the sunrise on the beach and see the Point Bolivar Lighthouse. 

We arrived to Texas on Monday night and we discussed what we should do for the week.  When we checked the weather (all week long before) it said it would rain the entire trip.  Such a bummer...  Since we weren't sure what the weather would be like, Dakota and I decided to try the sunrise on Tuesday morning.  That way, if it was raining, we could catch it later in the week.

Tuesday came bright and early.  I was grumpy because I wasn't ready to get up and the weather said that rain would hit in any minute.  But Dakota still convinced me to get out of bed and hope that when we got to the beach, the clouds wouldn't be covering up the sky.

We walked across the street and down to the beach.  And since this was on my 101 list I had to get a photo of us with the sunrise.

I took one photo and loved it, but knew I wanted something a little more romantic.  Dakota is not a PDA person so I asked him to humor me and take a photo of us kissing.  He agreed, but knew he probably would because we were the only people on the beach. 

I checked the photo on my camera, loved it, and wanted to get another one, just in case.  I asked him to get closer and he said ok, but make sure my feet are still in the photo.  I said, don't worry, they are. I set the timer, clicked the shutter, ran over the Dakota....

...and he dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him. 

Of course, I said yes as he slid the ring on my finger and I shook with excitement. 

I checked my camera and found this amazing photo.  (I just took my own proposal photo and didn't even know it was happening!)  We sent it to my parents and closest friends and we walked a little longer on the beach.

This was the last photo I got of the sunrise.  The bugs were horrible and I got eaten alive.  We also wanted to get back home before the rain began. 

We got to the house and showed Dakota's family the photo I got to tell them the news that we are engaged.  (All of them knew Dakota was going to ask this week.)

After the excitement wore off a little (who am I kidding, I'm still excited and shocked!), Dakota's sister noticed this rainbow in the back yard.  I got engaged and God gave me a rainbow and rainbows are very significant to my family.  I think he is very happy!

Done : September 16, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what wonderful, wonderful news! How romantic was that? Congratulations... so happy for you --for your engagement and that you got that wonderful shot of the proposal... AND the beautiful rainbow!


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